Yesterday’s live coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here. Please help The Interpreter to continue providing this valuable information service by making a donation towards our costs. For links to individual updates click on the timestamps. For the latest summary of evidence surrounding the shooting down of flight MH17 see our separate article: […]
Tag: anti-terrorist operation
Putin’s Victory in Ukraine a ‘Pyrrhic’ One, Moscow Economist Says
Staunton, September 6 – That Vladimir Putin has won another round in his invasion of Ukraine seems clear: he has forced Kiev to reach agreements with Moscow-backed secessionists, he has effectively taken his Anschluss of Crimea off the table of discussion, and he has further undermined Western unity concerning the imposition of sanctions. In all […]
Ukraine’s Counter-Terrorism Effort Far More Effective and Less Horrific than Russia’s in the North Caucasus
Staunton, May 30 – Now that the Chechens have become involved as foot soldiers in Vladimir Putin’s campaign to destabilize and potentially occupy portions of Ukraine, it is worth comparing Moscow’s “counter-terrorist” campaign in the North Caucasus with what Kyiv is doing in its eastern region. Such a comparison is especially useful now because it […]
Ukraine Liveblog Day 66: Russia Warns It Will Respond to Anti-Terror Op
Russia has significantly escalated its rhetoric, warning Ukraine that there will be consequences if it continues it’s “anti-terror operation” and announcing military drills to combat the “Ukrainian military machine.” Yesterday’s liveblog can be found here. For an overview and analysis of this developing story see our latest podcast. Please help The Interpreter to continue providing […]