The Interpreter has obtained 9 more KGB manuals.
On the situation in Libya
This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre, a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]
Report on the meeting with the Doctor. 03/04/2019
This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre, a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]
Haftar Strategy Presentation
This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre, a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]
Gaddafi Strategy Presentation
This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre, a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]
Report on the outcome of a meeting on 22/04/19 with Russian military analysts in the territory
This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre, a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]
GoFundMe: The Lubyanka Files: The Textbooks for Putin’s Spies
The Interpreter is launching a new GoFundMe page to support the translation, analysis and presentation of never-before-published KGB training manuals spanning multiple decades.
Misrule of Law: How the Kremlin Uses Western Institutions to Undermine the West
The Kremlin’s body of bad behavior – from election meddling to the annexation of Crimea to military involvement in Ukraine – has been widely covered in the media and, for many, news of Russia attempting to suborn Western institutions may begin to sound like background noise. But there is a systematic, often under-the-radar, attack on the rule of law and institutions underway and it is
no less alarming than the headlines. In the two chapters of this report, our esteemed authors demonstrate the attacks aimed at free societies, all intended to suborn Western
structures to the benefit of the Kremlin.
From Exile to Dirtbag: Edgelord Geopolitics and the Rise of “National Bolshevism” in the US
“Much of the Western media and many experts have rightly emphasized the brutality of the Alt Right, drawing its lineage to sectors of the U.S. far-right. However, there is far less understanding of the influential role played by National Bolshevism and the destructiveness it has ported into the left under the guise of prurient satire and hysterical chauvinism.
With horror, I watched this process unfold over the next decade, as so-called National Bolsheviks crossed over into American countercultures, drawing together left and right-wing tendencies that have influenced the US’s political spectrum contributing to the alt-right. The eXile’s alums played a critical role in cultivating these connections, joining with and influencing the inchoate alt-right in defense of Putin’s aggression and in opposition to Western liberalism.” Alexander Reid Ross
What Ever Happened to the “Donetsk People’s Republic”?
The so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DNR) has been quietly dismantled since the assassination of DNR leader Alexander Zakharchenko last year. It has been boxed up and sent to Moscow, from which it is currently more overtly ruled.