Tag: Vladimir Putin

The Kremlin’s Anti-Western (and Remarkably Successful) Middle East Media Project

October 12, 2018

“Let us not kid ourselves, Russia is now the most influential player in the region, and that is mostly due to Obama’s doctrine….which saw the U.S. role shrink.” (Faisal Abbas on RT)

Dissecting Steele’s Trump-Russia Dossier

July 25, 2018

President Trump calls it the “Fake Dirty Dossier.” We have been through every line of former MI6 agent Christopher Steele’s allegations to assess their accuracy

3 Turkish Soldiers Killed by Russian Fighter Jet During Joint Mission; Putin Expresses ‘Condolences’ to Erdogan

February 9, 2017

Three Turkish soldiers were killed as a result of a strike by Russian fighter jets in the area of the Syria city of Al-Bab during a joint mission. President Vladimir Putin has expressed condolences to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.

Trump Restores Churchill’s Bust But Channels Chamberlain’s Approach

January 23, 2017

Those celebrating or condemning the return of Churchill’s bust to the Oval Office as symbolic miss the point: President Trump may have put Churchill’s statue back in a place of honor, but his approach so far at least channels the ideas not of Britain’s greatest prime minister but rather of his discredited predecessor Neville Chamberlain.