The Interpreter has obtained 9 more KGB manuals.
Tag: Vladimir Putin
GoFundMe: The Lubyanka Files: The Textbooks for Putin’s Spies
The Interpreter is launching a new GoFundMe page to support the translation, analysis and presentation of never-before-published KGB training manuals spanning multiple decades.
The Kremlin’s Anti-Western (and Remarkably Successful) Middle East Media Project
“Let us not kid ourselves, Russia is now the most influential player in the region, and that is mostly due to Obama’s doctrine….which saw the U.S. role shrink.” (Faisal Abbas on RT)
Dissecting Steele’s Trump-Russia Dossier
President Trump calls it the “Fake Dirty Dossier.” We have been through every line of former MI6 agent Christopher Steele’s allegations to assess their accuracy
Trump Has Done More Than Collude With Putin: He’s Helped Kremlin Leader Destroy Post-1945 World
As one wise Baltic leader has put it, if the Russians come back this time, and with Putin’s program of the ethnic supremacy of Russians, Moscow will not be constrained by communism and the results will be truly tragic.
What Do You Call a Successful Terrorist? Your Excellency!
President Donald Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore this evening. The US decided in advance not to raise the issue of North Korea’s abysmal human rights situation, including its brutal labor camp system.
Defeat of Russian Civic Nation Law Shows Putin Isn’t All-Powerful, Krasheninnikov Says
The most interesting aspect of Moscow’s retreat from its efforts to promote a civic Russian nation is that it represents a personal defeat for Vladimir Putin.
Putin Has as Much to Fear in Belarusian Protests as Lukashenka Does, Portnikov Says
Because the money is running out and because Russia can no longer make up the difference, Alyaksandr Lukashenka faces a situation he neither expected nor knows how to respond to, one in which not the nationalists but his own electorate has turned against him
3 Turkish Soldiers Killed by Russian Fighter Jet During Joint Mission; Putin Expresses ‘Condolences’ to Erdogan
Three Turkish soldiers were killed as a result of a strike by Russian fighter jets in the area of the Syria city of Al-Bab during a joint mission. President Vladimir Putin has expressed condolences to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan.
Trump Restores Churchill’s Bust But Channels Chamberlain’s Approach
Those celebrating or condemning the return of Churchill’s bust to the Oval Office as symbolic miss the point: President Trump may have put Churchill’s statue back in a place of honor, but his approach so far at least channels the ideas not of Britain’s greatest prime minister but rather of his discredited predecessor Neville Chamberlain.