The Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has reportedly fled the capital of Kiev. The people in the streets are demanding nothing less than his resignation. The question now is whether he will step down, or resist. Yesterday’s liveblog can be found here. For an overview of what’s behind the protests and analysis of today’s news see […]
Tag: Viktor Yanukovych
Ukraine Liveblog: Day 4 — Yanukovych Teeters
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has lost much of his power base following the bloodiest day in a 72-hour period in Ukraine. He has now announced early elections, though without specifying when they might be held. Meanwhile, Russia has threatened military action in Crimea to protect ethnic Russians and a Russian military base there. Yesterday’s liveblog […]
Ukraine Liveblog: Day 3 — the Crisis Explodes
The tenuous “truce” brokered yesterday between the government of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukoyvch and the Euromaidan opposition appears to be fallen apart already. Paramilitary titushki thugs still roams the streets armed with guns, snipers have again been spotted, dozens of activists have been reported killed, and scores injured protesters are being treated in makeshift field […]
What Is Happening In Ukraine? Interpreter Podcast – February 19 2014
On Tuesday 25 people were killed as Ukrainian riot police stormed a camp of protesters in Kiev’s central square? What’s going on? Why are Ukrainians protesting? Why is the government resisting? And what does all this have to do with Russia and the United States? Each week, The Interpreter’s managing editor James Miller is joined by Boston College Professor Dr. […]
Oksana Forostyna: “Kiev hasn’t faced such violence since the Second World War.”
Two weeks ago, The Interpreter‘s editor-in-chief Michael Weiss interviewed Oksana Forostyna, executive editor for Krytyka Journal (think Ukraine’s London Review of Books). An outspoken intellectual and pro-Euromaidan activist, she talked about what the protestors in Kiev, now facing the bloodiest day of a three-month-long uprising (for more on this, see our liveblog), really want and what […]
Ukraine and Yanukovych: A Tug of War
This article was published yesterday in the business journal Vedomosti. Last night and today, clashes between protesters and Ukrainian security forces have intensified. — Ed. “The laws on dictatorship” adopted by show of hands by the Verkhovna Rada on January 16, were met by Ukraine that was in a state of a frozen political conflict. […]
Between Maidan and Bolotnaya
This editorial appeared in the generally pro-Kremlin Gazeta.Ru. Its author argues that Russia must now incorporate Ukraine into the Russia fold, because the riots in the streets there are a threat to Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych, but also to Putin, as the longer they go on the further the Ukrainian populace will be from Russia. […]
Kiev Takes a Timeout
Russia has arguably won its trade war with Ukraine, at least for now. After months of punitive measures because of Kiev’s desire to choose joining the European Union over the neo=Soviet Customs Union, last week the Ukraine suspended its move to join the EU. The move has been highly unpopular in the Ukraine, and protesters have taken […]
Ukraine’s President “Lost En Route” to Moscow?
In another chapter of Ukraine’s economic and ideological struggle between Europe and Russia, the east and the west, Ukraine’s president Viktor Yanukovych “got lost” on his way to have meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. There remains a debate, however, as to whether Yanukovych was secretly negotiating with Putin, or whether he was being snubbed by […]