Special Reports

The Kremlin’s Anti-Western (and Remarkably Successful) Middle East Media Project

October 12, 2018

“Let us not kid ourselves, Russia is now the most influential player in the region, and that is mostly due to Obama’s doctrine….which saw the U.S. role shrink.” (Faisal Abbas on RT)

Ukraine Faces Human Rights Court Hammering Over Investigation of May 2 Odesa Tragedy

May 2, 2017

If the finger can be pointed at Russia for its role in and propaganda lies about the tragic disturbances and fire in Odesa on May 2, 2014, it is solely the Ukrainian authorities who must answer for Ukraine’s shameful failure to carry out a proper investigation.

Novaya Gazeta on Threats of Retribution Against Journalists from Chechen Clergy over Articles on Persecution of LGBT

April 14, 2017

Chechen clergy led an assembly in the Central Mosque of Grozny on April 3, calling for retribution against Novaya Gazeta’s journalists for their reporting on persecution of LGBT in the republic.

Novaya Gazeta Reports Point-Blank Execution of Chechen ‘Attackers’ at Odds with Official Account of ‘Clash’ with National Guards

March 25, 2017

When Russian media reported March 24 that 6 National Guardsmen and 6 militants were killed in a “shoot-out” in Chechnya, it was a typical story with scant details. Now Novaya Gazeta has evidence the Chechens were executed point-blank, contradicting the official report.