Tag: Extradition

Kremlin Would Infuriate Russians if It Limited Foreign Travel, Moscow Commentator Says

April 14, 2014

Staunton, April 14 – Given memories of Soviet times, Russians today especially value their right to travel abroad and are not “prepared” to give up that right, even though many are not in a position to exercise it and even if they accept some of Moscow’s warnings about the risks such travel may involve, according […]

What Edward Snowden Can Expect Under Russian Law

June 28, 2013

Former NSA employee Edward Snowden, who remains in the transit area at Sheremetyevo Airport, could remain there indefinitely, even as the US attempts to have him extradited for the disclosure of information about government surveillance of electronic communications. This matter is regulated in Russia under Art. 31 of the Law on Entry and Exit. According […]