LIVE UPDATES: A French prosecutor says Russian hooligans were behind the violent clashes between English and Russian soccer fans in Marseilles on June 10
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“The film contradicts everything that our commission has done. But what we do we have to do with it? It was the Investigative Committee that opened up the case against Dmitry Kratov, the deputy head of Burtyka [Prison]’s treatment and prevention clinic, and the report of our commission was attached to the case. We provided testimony, I even had a meeting in person with Larisa Litvinova, the Butyrka physician. Our investigation was proceeding normally, until they removed the investigator Marina Lomonosova.
Under the law on civic organizations, we could not be involved in the case ourselves, we were involved only in the conditions of confinement, torture, failure to provide medical assistance, and the violence that led to [Magnitsky’s] murder. In fact we later spoke of tihs openly, that there are no longer any such cells as the ones in which Magnitsky was held (they were rebuilt); the prison bosses admitted, all of these cells were of a torturous nature.
There I can only speak within the framework of my competence, but here I will state firmly: the film does not reflect the true state of affairs regarding Magnitsky’s detention, since it claims they were ‘normal.'”
“Judging from the circumstances of the detention of the prisoner Magnitsky in Butyrka Prison’s SIZO-2 [pre-trial detention], the members of the Public Oversight Commission have concluded that physical and psychological pressure were placed on Sergei Magnitsky. Judging from everything, the SIZO employees understood this.”
The purpose was to get him to recant from his claims of criminal action by law-enforcers themselves in the theft of the $230 million.
Browder documented the 14 times and 13 times that Magnitsky named officers Kuznetsov and Pavel Karpov in 2008 and 2009 before his murder.
Hersch has been supportive of the Russian approach to the war in Syria, which has been gleefully picked up by the Kremlin propaganda outlet
A French prosecutor says Russian hooligans were behind the violent clashes between English and Russian soccer fans in Marseilles on June 10 ahead of the Europe 2016 soccer tournament, the BBC reported.
And Russia should face expulsion from the European Championship 2016 over the “full frontal attack” from its fans says Kevin Miles, chief executives of the Football Supporters’ Federation, The Telegraph reported.
England fans were seen fleeing a section of the stadium after they were charged by group of what appeared to be Russia fans, some of them wearing balaclavas, who had set off fireworks and punched through a line of stewards.
Police later used tear gas to disperse fans in the city as trouble continued after the game. It was reported that the metro system was shut down following an accident.
However, while English fans said they had gathered in large numbers, they claimed that they were not the ones to instigate the violence and blamed more than 200 Russian and French hooligans for attacking them. Several said the French riot police, engaged in a running battle with English fans for the third day in a row, escalated the problem through heavy-handed tactics.
The English fans then themselves threw bottles and even tables at the French police, escalating the confrontation.
Marseilles Prosecutor Brice Robin stated at a news conference:
“There were 150 Russian supporters who in reality were hooligans. These people were well prepared for ultra-rapid, ultra-violent action. These are extremely well-trained people.”
He added that this is what made it difficult to catch them, adding that he didn’t they were “professional,” just “well-trained.”
Witnesses said Russian fans set off flares near the end of the game, then climbed over barriers designed to keep rival fans apart.
French police arrested six Britons, three French and an Austrian who face immediate trial. Two Russians were also arrested, both for a pitch invasion.
While Russia’s sports minister Vitaly Mutko said the tournament organizers Uefa had done the right thing to start a disciplinary case against the Russian Football Union, Russian MP Igor Lebedev praised Russian fans and criticized the French police, said BBC, citing R-Sport news agency.
Translation: I don’t see anything terrible in a fight among fans. On the contrary, our guys are great! Keep it up!
The Football Supporters’ Federation Miles said:
“The primary responsibility obviously has to go with those people who are organising attacks.
There’s no question that groups of locals were planning and carrying out attacks on English football fans, for no other reason than they were English football fans.
That was similarly replicated by some very hardcore Russian hooligan groups who clearly formed up in advance for attacks they looked like they’d trained months for.”
France is also still under a state of emergency after the November 2015 terrorist attacks.
— Catherine A. Fitzpatrick