1 Ukrainian Soldier Killed in Battle

September 7, 2017
A fortified beach with tank traps near Ukrainian positions at Shirokino in July 2017. Photo by ATO.

Ukraine Day 1298: LIVE UPDATES BELOW. One Ukrainian soldier was killed in battle today.

Yesterday’s coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here.

An Invasion By Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine


1 Ukrainian Soldier Killed in Battle

Photo by Liga.net

Russia-backed fighters attacked the Avdeyevka industrial zone, and one Ukrainian soldier was killed in battle, Liga.net reported, citing the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation] Dispatch.

Militants opened fire on the outskirts of Zaytsevo on the Donetsk line with grenade-launchers and heavy machine guns, then pounded the Avdeyevka industrial zone.
On the Maritime line, 82-mm mortar-launchers were fired on ATO positions near Maryinka. Near Vodyanoye, militans fired grenade-launchers and heavy machine guns; Shirokino was also attacked with small arms.

Yesterday, September 6, the Trilateral Contact Group noted that the period of August 28 through September 3 during the “school ceasefire” had seen the least amount of shelling since 2015, Liga.net reported, citing a statement from press secretary Darka Olifer on her Facebook page.

— Catherine A. Fitzpatrick