Tag: neo Nazi

An Indulgence for Extremism in Ukraine

February 24, 2014

This editorial was published on February 19th, 2014, in the midst of the growing crisis in Ukraine (See The Interpreter’s liveblog from February 19 for additional context). It was published by the pro-Kremlin Izvestia. Note that the violent actions of the Ukrainian government, or the actions of the Russian government, are absent. Also note the […]

About the Education of the “Uneducated”

November 8, 2013

Opposition leader Alexei Navalny published a statement (translated by The Interpreter) explaining why he did not attend the nationalist “Russian March” which was held on November 4. The march is an annual a protest against immigration and internal migration policies, as well as against the policies that allow employers to bring migrant workers to work […]

Navalny The Tightrope Walker

November 7, 2013

This editorial, translated from the pro-Kremlin Izvestia, attempts to analyze the decision made by opposition leader Alexei Navalny to avoid the “Russian March,” widely attended by Neo-Nazis, for the 2nd year in a row, while still calling his supporters to attend. There are several possible readings of Sokolov’s statements. One reading is that he is […]

Neo-Nazis and Nationalists Rally at the “Russian March”

November 5, 2013

Yesterday, November 4, Russian nationalists gathered for a rally, the “Russian March,” to protest against immigrants and the policies of the Russian government that brings them there. Nazi slogans, racist posters, depictions of migrants as green aliens… some of the worst aspects of Russian society were on proud display. The march is growing in popularity, […]

“Russian March” is Becoming More Popular

November 4, 2013

On Monday, November 4th, Russian nationalists will hold a rally, the “Russian March,” to protest against minorities whom they say are ruining the country. Ironically, this is perhaps the opposite of the spirit of the holiday. November 4th is a national holiday in Russia, Unity Day, which commemorates the occasion in 1612 when Russians from every […]