Tag: Draft

Russian Draftees Refuse Military’s Plans To Send Them To Fight In Ukraine

November 21, 2014

Staunton, November 15 – Some 250 Russian draftees at a military base in Rostov oblast have rejected the appeals of their commanders to sign up as contract soldiers, a step that would allow Moscow to send them to fight in southeastern Ukraine, according to Valentina Melnikova of the Union of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia. Melnikova […]

Ukrainian Fighting Causing Some Russians to Seek to Avoid the Draft

October 20, 2014

Staunton, October 13 – Despite claims by Russian officials that all is well with the draft in Russia and that in fact fewer young men are seeking to avoid service than in the past, claims often accompanied by pointing to the problems Ukraine is having filling the ranks, the situation in the Russian Federation with […]

Moscow to Draft Chechens This Fall and Crimean Residents in the Spring

October 1, 2014

Staunton, September 30 – The Russian general staff has announced that it will draft young men from Chechnya this fall for the first time in 20 years and will begin drafting that cohort from occupied Crimea and Sevastopol next spring, an indication of just how hard Moscow is having to work to compensate for demographic […]

Moscow to Draft North Caucasians without Former Restrictions

April 3, 2014

Staunton, April 3 – In a move highlighting the demographic plight of ethnic Russians, Moscow has announced that it will now draft North Caucasians without the restrictions it had imposed on them in recent years, a move some in that region are welcoming but that others, including some Russian officers and the Soldiers’ Mothers Committees […]