Tag: Aleksandr Goldfarb

It’s Time to Recall Kennan’s Long Telegram and Forget His Later Optimism about Change in Russia

October 6, 2015

Staunton, October 3 – George Kennan’s famous “long telegram” of February 1946 was written to explain to Western leaders something they found difficult to understand: how Moscow could turn from being a wartime ally into an implacable enemy, a problem that some Western leaders are again finding it difficult to understand. hat makes rereading Kennan’s […]

Neither War Nor Peace? – Putin’s Trotskyite Strategy in Ukraine

August 11, 2014

Staunton, August 10 – Now that the defeat of the Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine is within sight and Western sanctions are beginning to bite, many commentators are arguing that Vladimir Putin must choose between sending in the Russian army as part of a full-scale invasion or suing for peace and an end of Western […]