Staunton, November 15 – Russian drinkers looking for a second or a third to share a bottle of vodka have long been a feature of public life in their country. Now, the Internet is helping them to find one another more quickly: on the web, what Russians are calling a “Facebook for alcoholics” helps them […]
Tag: alcoholism
Russians Responding to End of Empire as to Any Other Loss, Moscow Psychologist Says
Staunton, July 9 – As they have struggled with the end of empire, Russians have been going through the stages of a process familiar to anyone who has lost something: denial, anger, and grudging acceptance of what has happened and what the nature of the new reality is, according to Moscow psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya. In […]
High Mortality Rates Killing Off Russia, Aganbegyan Says
Staunton, July 8 – Unless Moscow addresses and overcomes “super-high mortality rates” among young people and working-age Russians, the country will face population decline even if the Russian government is able to boost fertility rates, according to Abel Aganbegyan, a member of the Academy of Sciences and a Kremlin advisor. Indeed, the noted economist says, […]
Mortality Among Working-Age Russians Now 50 Percent Higher than in 1960
Staunton, June 24 -While average life expectancies among Russians have rebounded in recent years, largely because of improved infant and child morality figures, death rates among working-age Russians have risen and now are 50 percent greater than they were a half century ago, according to Moscow report today. In an article in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Ada […]
Deeper Social Trends, Not State Policies, Affecting Fertility Rates in the Russian Federation, Demographer Says
Staunton, April 30 – Even the slightest uptick in birthrate figures in the Russian Federation is celebrated by Moscow as evidence of the efficacy of Russian government actions, but in fact a new study shows the impact of government policy on this most personal of choice is much less than many assume. Not only do […]
Moscow Says Russians are Drinking Less but Russians Say They’re Drinking More
Staunton, April 12 – The Russian government is celebrating what it says is a success in its battle to reduce alcohol consumption by pointing to a decline of seven percent in vodka sales in 2013. But more than three out of four Russians say they are drinking as much or more as in the past, […]