Caucasus Causality

April 24, 2013

So far, and in spite of the American media’s best effort to acquaint its audience with a country called Chechnya (and the Czech embassy’s best efforts to remind that audience of the excellence of Bohemian pilsner), there is little evidence linking the Boston marathon bombings to any jihadist organization or cell headquartered in the North Caucasus. CNN cited an […]

Pavel Astakhov Charged with Plagiarism of His Dissertation

April 8, 2013

Sergei Parkhomenko has posted a detailed excerpt of the Ph.D. thesis of child ombudsman Pavel Astakhov, titled “Legal Conflicts and Contemporary Forms of Their Resolution.” As Parkhomenko claims, Astakhov’s dissertation was practically completely falsified. Kommersant: How was this dissertation verified? SP: It was verified in the same way that an enormous numbers of dissertations are […]