European Far-Right Team at Anti-Semitic Conference in Tehran

October 14, 2014
Leonid Savin and Manuel Ochsenreiter, Tehran, autumn 2014

October 8, 2014, Vienna – On October 1, the Iranian government held its annual “New Horizon” conference, hosting more than thirty participants to discuss the “Zionist 9/11 Conspiracy” and “Israel Lobbying” in different countries.

While the anti-Semitic nature of this annual conference is nothing new, it was “surprising” to see several participants of the conference in Tehran who are supportive of Vladimir Putin’s allegedly anti-fascist regime in Russia.


Mateusz Piskorski and Thierry Meyssan, Tehran, autumn 2014


Claudio Mutti doing the Quennelle salute in the courtyard of the former US Embassy in Tehran, autumn 2014.


Leonid Savin and Manuel Ochsenreiter, Tehran, autumn 2014


Leonid Savin and Manuel Ochsenreiter Tehran, autumn 2014