Tag: ultranationalist

Russia This Week: Zhirinovsky Threatens to ‘Wipe Out’ Poland, Baltics (4-10 August)

August 10, 2014

Updated Daily. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev sprang two restrictive Internet decrees on providers and users this week, one requiring presentation of domestic passports to use public Internet cafes or wi-fi, and the other mandating operators of social media to collect more user data and make it available to Russian intelligence agencies. Mysteriously, a group calling […]

Russia This Week: Will the Internet Survive? (12-16 May)

May 17, 2014

Updated Daily. Soccer fans angry at the murder of their fellow fan, joined by anti-migrant nationalists, rampaged in a Moscow suburb. Russian state propaganda has grown more aggressive and pompous, magnifying Russian imperialism and whipping up hatred of foreigners and dissidents. What are we measuring when we poll public opinion when people are mainly dependent […]

Dugin Says Putin Being Undermined by Insiders Who Don’t Back Him All the Way

April 29, 2014

Staunton, April 29 Aleksandr Dugin, the influential leader of the Eurasian Movement, says that Vladimir Putin is not just being attacked by “a fifth column” of opposition figures but also is being undermined by what he calls “a sixth column” consisting of those within his regime who are actively working to undermine the Kremlin leader. […]

The Backlash of Moral Equivalency on Ukraine

March 11, 2014

With strong statements from the US State Department countering Kremlin propaganda like “President Putin’s Fiction: 10 False Claims About Ukraine” and “Setting the Record Straight on Ukraine” coming from the US Embassy in Kiev, it didn’t take long for some commentators to appear with a “plague on both their houses.” The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an […]