Tag: Genocide

On the situation in Libya

September 12, 2019

This is part of a tranche of internal communications from deep inside infamous caterer turned troll farmer and mercenary backer Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Libya operation, always referred to simply as “the Company.” These files were originally obtained by the Dossier Centre,  a London-based investigative team funded by former Russian oligarch and political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Please […]

How Putin Launched the Circassian National Movement

May 21, 2014

Staunton, May 21 – It is now common ground that Vladimir Putin’s Anschluss of Crimea and subversion of southeastern Ukraine have done more to boost and solidify the national identity of Ukrainians and their commitment to taking the steps necessary to be part of the West than have the actions of anyone else. But it […]

Circassians Block Road to Protest Killing of One of Their Own

May 16, 2014

Staunton, May 16 – – Reflecting tensions between the Circassians and the Russian authorities in the run up to the commemoration later this month of the 150th anniversary of the tsarist expulsion of their ancestors and of the readiness of Circassians to defend their rights and dignity, a group of Circassians blocked a highway last […]

Putin’s Promises to Crimean Tatars Puts Roma in Play as Well

April 8, 2014

Staunton, April 8 – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s promise to secure the full rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars, a promise made to obscure Russian aggression and to try to attract the support of some in that nation for his occupation of their homeland, is echoing not only among the larger and more organized of the […]