Tag: Federal Migration Service

Not Only Labor Migrants Are Fleeing Russia, Westerners Are Too

February 4, 2015

Staunton, February 4 — The exodus from Russia of Central Asian labor migrants and even the recent decline in the number of Ukrainians who fled to Russia last year after the start of the conflict there have attracted a great deal of attention, but outflow, this of people from Western countries, has attracted much less […]

Does Moscow Want to Focus Russian Attention on Illegal Immigration Again?

August 8, 2014

Staunton, August 7 – Prior to Vladimir Putin’s Anschluss of Crimea and his interventionist actions in Ukraine, Russians were far more concerned about illegal immigration and ethnic crime than they were about the mistreatment of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, about which so much was said in the media over the last six months. Now, there […]

With Government Support, Moscow Mosques to Teach Russian to Migrants

May 20, 2014

Staunton, May 20 – With the active support of the Federal Migration Service, Moscow’s mosques are going to start free courses in the Russian language for immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus as part of a broader program to help them adapt and to raise their general educational level. Tatyana Dmitriyeva, the head of […]

Sochi Migration Service Catching Journalists

November 20, 2013

A foreign journalist was briefly detained by the Federal Security Services (FSB) in Sochi yesterday, her audio recorder was temporarily confiscated, and her passport information was scanned by authorities. This is hardly the first time that press freedom in Sochi has been challenged, raising concerns that journalists will continue to be the target of Russia […]

Russian Officials Debate Immigration Reforms

October 24, 2013

Following weeks of alarming inter-racial violence, including anti-minority riots in Moscow, the Interior Minister and the head of the Federal Migration Service spoke with legislators in the State Duma about possible immigration reforms. Some of the suggestions were practical, and not dissimilar from other countries’ systems. Some of the talk, however, was more focused on […]

Madonna Has Violated Visa Regulations

The Prosecutor General’s Office has responded to a complaint filed by Vitaly Milonov, a member of St. Petersburg legislature, regarding the concerts by Madonna and Lady Gaga. The humanitarian visas issued to the performers, were used for commercial activities, which is against the law. The supervisory authority is considering options to notify the Foreign Ministry and […]