Every Wednesday, The Interpreter’s managing editor James Miller will be speaking with Dr. Matt Sienkiewicz, a professor at Boston College, about the major headlines of the week. If you have questions you’d like Matt to address in future episodes, feel free to tweet to him: @mediastudied. If you have feedback on the content feel free to tweet to James: @MillerMENA.
This week we discussed the breaking news that Pussy Riot was included in the amnesty bill. As the news was breaking, we were unaware that some of the Bolotnaya protesters may also be freed under the law. For the latest on the amnesty bill see our liveblog.
We were not entirely surprised by this development. See the commentary on our article: Russian Supreme Court Declares Pussy Riot Sentence Unlawful: News breaks day after “amnesty” rumor leaked.
For more analysis about Pussy Riot’s backstory and significance, see The Power of Punk.
And for more on the significance of the Bolotnaya protesters, see:
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