Ukraine Reports 40 Attacks Yesterday; Uncertain Casualty Figures; Purported Hack Of Surkov’s Emails

October 25, 2016

Kiev reports six Ukrainian soldiers wounded, but a fatality was reported yesterday by the Azov Regiment, and the Lugansk governor today reported another soldier wounded.

Russia Update: Why Was LifeNews Searched and If Surkov is Involved, What’s the Motive?

March 25, 2015

Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here. Why was LifeNews raided by police yesterday? Is it related to the Kremlin grey cardinal Vyacheslav Surkov? UPDATES BELOW Special features: – Alexey Navalny On the […]

Kremlin ‘Grey Cardinal’ Surkov’s Deal for a ‘Donetsk Transdniestria’?

July 9, 2014

Boris Rozhin, editor of Golos Sevastopolya and a popular blogger under the name “Colonel Cassad,” published a LiveJournal entry 7 July speculating on the origins of the campaign that has begun to discredit Col. Igor Strelkov, self-declared commander in chief of the “Donetsk People’s Republic.” He traces it to an attempt to orchestrate a scenario […]

Surkov Behind Publishers of ‘National Traitors’ Lists, Shiryaev Says

April 21, 2014

Staunton, April 20 – Vladislav Surkov, who has served as a behind-the-scenes ideologist and operator for the Kremlin, has been involved in the funding of a Russian website that has done everything it can to boost Vladimir Putin and that now is producing lists of “national traitors,” according to Valery Shiryayev of Novaya Gazeta. That […]

Why Vladislav Surkov Was Fired

May 13, 2013

The resignation of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov — the Kremlin’s “grey cardinal” — has prompted a raft of articles speculating as to the true cause for Surkov’s departure. This article suggests that his involvement in the corruption-plagued Skolkovo project, inaugurated by former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, became Surkov’s pink slip . –Ed. On […]